September 7, 2015

Pt. 13 Corridors

So because I have received so many pieces recently, I happen to have all parts to complete the 2 corridors.  So I decided to work on something different for the moment.  Here are the 2 corridor sections assembled (not glued).

Pretty cool looking.  Can definitely tell it's the Falcon. Now the fun part, doing the 120 + tiny cushion pieces to go on the arches and on the walls of the corridors.

But before putting the cushions on, they  of course, have to be weathered.  I do this using more of my Tamiya pastels.  In particular, I used soot, oil and mud to dirty them up.

Then glued them in place.

It's looking pretty good, but not quite there yet.

Upon going through Empire Strikes Back frame by frame, you can see in the corridor that some of the cushions have been removed for either modifications or repair work.


So, to make mine as accurate as possible, I think mine needs this as well.  So I started by filling in the grooves of the wall where the cushions attach to.

I then gathered up various size wire...

did some bending on some pieces....

glued them down...

And VIOLA!   There you have it.  This is the section you see Leia in front of in the photo above.

And I also did this section, where Han Solo is in front of in the photo above.

So the corridors are pretty much done.

So there we go.  Next, I'll be getting back to more work on the hold area of the Falcon.

Stay tuned.  MUCH MORE TO COME.....